Jun 18Liked by Mila Kaut

I'm loving your reflections on the process. Insisting on being a whole person during the struggle to "dissertate" is a radical act! And, thinking on the questions you raise about gate-keeping and professionalization, I'm thinking about the draft of material collected by the Federal Writers Project for the "Negro in Iowa" volume, in George Rawick's collection (never published). It's full of inaccuracies, racism, as well as accurate recollections and accounts. I'm glad it wasn't published--yet it would have offered a clear documentation of how racism shaped both "professional" and "amateur" history-writing. I'm looking forward to your further insights.

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Thank you so much, Leslie! That means so much, especially coming from you. I didn’t even think about looking at materials from the Federal Writers Project—that’s a fantastic idea. Going to look into that draft. I so appreciate the suggestion!

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Jun 22Liked by Mila Kaut

I may have a copy. Off to Wisconsin for the week but will check when I return.

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Thank you! No rush. Enjoy Wisconsin!!

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